Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Analyzing Themes - Simple Ways

Simple Ways is a really interesting MLP episode for me, because I didn’t have much of an idea of what to expect from it going in, and didn’t think it would hit me hard, but looking at it now, wow did it surprise me and hit me hard. All I knew beforehand was that it would be an episode about relationships, something the show has stayed away from for the most part, and something I think many fans preferred to stay that way. So when I heard there would be an episode about not just relationships and crushes, but with a bit of a love triangle, I must admit, I was a little scared and uncertain, not knowing what to expect. But the more I thought about this episode, and what it did with its themes and morals, the more I found myself falling head over heels in love with this episode, and for this analysis, I shall explain why, and speak of the  conclusions I reached.