Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bowser's Inside Story: Understanding the Villain


WARNING: Below are great spoilers for Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, it is suggested that you do not read the following post if you have not at least gotten halfway through Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

There was always something I really loved about Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, that I noticed after playing and thinking about the game for a while. I'm pretty sure what I'm about to say would be overthinking the game, but nonetheless, I had a lot of fun with it, so let's begin!
The big unique thing about the third Mario & Luigi game was the fact that, you get to play as Bowser, the main villain from the Mario Universe. Now, it isn't the first Mario game to do this, no no, this has been done before in say, Super Mario RPG and Super Paper Mario, but what makes Bowser's Inside Story so special, is that of all the games to feature Bowser, none are able to capture the feeling of his character so well, and make you feel so much like Bowser himself, like that of Bowser's Inside Story.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Characters: The Old vs. The New

WARNING: Below are great big spoilers for most of the Mario RPGs, it is suggested that you do not read the following post if you have not beaten most of the Mario RPGs

Part of what I love about the Mario RPGs is their ability to create great deep worlds and characters that are ripe for exploring and learning about, as I spoke of in an earlier essay (can be found here). But you see, the thing is, the Mario RPGs don't have to focus on creating new worlds and characters, like that of Final Fantasy and other RPGs tend to always do. What makes the Mario RPG series so special, is that despite it being a huge series that spans 9 games now, and many different worlds, it still stars many familiar faces and characters, something long RPG series aren't known for doing.