Sunday, February 14, 2016

My Undertale Playthrough - Part 4: Hotland

Hello! Welcome to the fourth part of my Undertale playthrough, in which I detail my choices and initial thoughts and experiences of this wonderful game. For this part I focus on Hotland, and the silliness this area featured.

So, getting back to the main story, after the befriending Undyne scene I returned to Hotland to continue through the area. I noticed and felt like after the serious dramatic tension that was the waterfall area, Hotland struck me as more lighthearted, like Snowdin, and was more about just having a good time and clearing the puzzles. Alphys and her many texts were hilarious, and oh my god at times she was soooo relatable. I remember the point in which she rambles about Mew Mew Kissy being great but the sequel being bad brought back bad memories for me and I was like “oh Alphys no…please stop….I’ve changed I swear…. ;-;”.

Mettaton was of course also lighthearted and fun with his many silly antics. But as I said in the last part, I found it kind of weird that Mettaton is supposedly a killing machine and that all his silly fun games actually put me in danger and might have killed me…that made me feel conflicted and unsure if I should be laughing or shivering…so that was…..interesting. I can see why I was more offset by things here, as opposed to say Snowdin, in which I felt assured from Sans that Papyrus would do no harm. As a result of feeling more safe with things, I was able to enjoy it more and have fun with things. I still had fun with Mettaton and Alphys of course, just interesting I think in how it compared with Snowdin, since they're both the lighthearted areas.

I also remember the enemies in this one being really tough for me, especially freaking Pyrope. Oh my god I never made the connection that the flames on the attacking candles being orange meant that you can move through it and not take damage, so I had no idea how to dodge that attack and would just always take damage. I believe I game overed two or three times to the enemies in this area, and this one was one of the more troublesome areas in that regard. The other enemy that gave me lots of trouble was…tsundereplane.

What do I need to say about this enemy? It’s hilarious and awesome, and when I first saw it and its text oh my god I was laughing so hard. What a great surprise and enemy it was. I remember too I never realized that the way you spare it is by getting close to it to hit the green, but not too close that you touch it, so you’re giving it space while also being close, and oh my god once I realized that I couldn’t believe it and thought that was the coolest deepest thing ever…what an enemy. :3

I also remember that I liked the block and shooter puzzles a lot. Every time I got to one of those I would get a little excited. They were good puzzles. c:

The Royal Guards battle I remember being excellent and both sweet and silly too. I liked that one and figured it out pretty quickly. Oh, and another fun fact! I remember when you see all the items on Mettaton’s TV show and have to choose one, I chose the dog, cause it was cute and great. :3

But yeah, fun area overall, with a lot of great moments. Muffet was quite the surprise for the boss, but in a cool way. I really liked the throwback to the ruins, and especially how the dialogue referenced that I bought items there.

After finishing Hotland I moved on to the MTT Hotel. I believe I went to the shop up to the right first, where I talked with the lovely shop keepers and looked at the items, wondering what that mysterious key they had was for. Afterwards, I left and spoke to Sans, beginning that fantastic cutscene with him. I remember this scene gave me a lot to think about by its end. I’m not sure how others experienced it, but the moment he spoke in a voice imitating the woman he spoke with, I knew it was Toriel. The comment about her protecting me through Sans too, oh goodness, I remember I got pretty emotional at that, and just started thinking about her all over again. I called her and was just like aaaaaah, Toriel I love you so much and I want to see you again. ;-;

Other than Sans being terrifying, I remember too that when he spoke to her through a large door, I instantly thought he meant the dark blue door that you can’t enter at Snowdin, instead of the door you exit the Ruins from. So with Toriel in the back of my mind, I dashed back to that shop as quickly as I could to buy……the key. I thought for certain that the key had to go that door, and that maybe, just maybe, if I take the key there, I can open it up and see Toriel again, and oh my god I was getting emotional just thinking about it, Torielllllll. ;-;

I remember too with Sans saying the journey’s almost over and with it all seeming like this was the end, I thought this would be a good place to take a break, stop, and go back and reflect before the end. So, I did just that. I went all the way back to Snowdin to see if I could see Toriel again, and also because it had been a while since I’d seen that snowman, and I wondered if he would say anything new or give me anything for taking their snow piece so far. So I happily went back, figuring that at least one of those two things would work right?

………..the snowman didn’t say anything special, and the key did nothing. I whined inside at the way the game dangled Toriel in front of me while playing with my emotions, but ho boy, that game design. Alas, after that I went all the way back to MTT Hotel, ready for the end. I also backtracked around and bought the two foods you can give to the two doors at the hotel, did some more exploring and backtracking, talked to some NPCs, and finally prepared for the final showdown.

Of the characters I spoke with, Burgerpants was definitely my favorite. His dialogue made me laugh so much, and I must admit as someone at his age going through what he’s going through to find what he wants to do with life and not let his job overrun him, I found a lot of what he said relatable, and it got me thinking a little. I hope I can learn from him, and ah I remember really hoping he could have a nice ending, he's silly. :3

After I went around the hotel and did everything I wanted to, I was ready. I was so certain that this was the end of the game and that I could finish it in an hour…boy was I wrong.

Next time, I begin the final area with the Core. Stay tuned!

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